A Glimpse at What the Hyperloop Might Actually Be Like
2015/06/11 11:23
What we know about the Hyperloop thus far can be summed up in a few exclamatory phrases: It’s visionary! It’s crazy! It’s impossible! But we haven’t really understood much about how Elon Musk’s totally tubular transportation system might actually work—until now.These Hyperloop imaginings come to us as the final project of Suprastudio, a masters-level studio at UCLA’s architecture school,...
(Patent) Google Wants to Help with Fitness Goals by Finding Routes
2015/06/11 11:23
Instead of taking the subway to your next meeting, why not burn a few extra calories and take a canoe? In a patent awarded yesterday, Google outlined a system for recommending different ways to get to a destination based on a person’s fitness goals.The system, which looks a lot like Google’s personal assistant, Google Now, takes into account calendar events, location, and any information it k...
The World's Most Crowded Cities In 2025
2015/06/11 11:23
If you live in one of the world's busiest and most crowded cities, things are only going to get worse over the coming decade, according to an analysis conducted by Bloomberg. Major cities are set to feel more claustrophobic in line with the world's rapid population growth. Hong Kong is a prime example. Over the course of one generation, population growth will stand at 32.8 percent. Back in 1995...
FRANKEN-STEINS : Beer and Alcohol Bottles Go High-Tech
2015/06/11 11:23
Brewing and distilling may be ancient arts, but even old dogs can learn new tricks. Such is proving true of global alcohol brands, which are experimenting with new packaging technologies to help drinkers experience their products in modern ways. Armed with inventive design and creative functionality, these companies’ beer and alcohol bottles are the latest “smart” devices to shake up the wor...
(Infographic) The Rise of CRISPR
2015/06/11 11:22
Disruptive CRISPR gene therapy is 150 times cheaper than zinc fingers and CRISPR is faster and more precise.Biologists have long been able to edit genomes with molecular tools. About ten years ago, they became excited by enzymes called zinc finger nucleases that promised to do this accurately and efficiently. But zinc fingers, which cost US$5,000 or more to order, were not widely adopted becaus...
Dyson's LED Lamp Promises to Burn Brightly for 37 Years
2015/06/10 11:20
Dyson's long-lasting LEDs are packed into a lamp it calls CsysSome notable advances have taken place in the world of LED lighting of late. From Ikea's flexible lighting tiles to Phillips' $5 bulbs, those looking to switch off their incandescent globes for good have plenty of options to choose from. But, just as it did with vacuum cleaners, hand dryers and air purifiers, Dyson has arrived and is...
(Video) Connected-Car Startup Vinli Raises $6.5M From Samsung
2015/06/10 11:20
Vinli launched at TechCrunch Disrupt SF last September by promising to bring the car into the smartphone age. The company is making a small sensor that plugs into a vehicle’s OBD port and allow the driver to access a suite of apps on their smartphone, providing additional functions not currently built into the car. Think of it as the missing link between your smartphone and car. And today, som...
(PDF) Apple Pay Adoption Faces a Huge Challenge in the UK
2015/06/10 11:19
Apple announced on Monday that its digital payment service Apple Pay will be made available in the United Kingdom starting next month, marking its first international launch.Apple has already partnered with eight of the largest banks in the UK, more than 250,000 merchants, and the London transportation service, the company said. Apple Pay's UK launch is a huge step forward for the payment servi...
(PDF) IAB Research : Mobile Video Usage, A Global Perspective
2015/06/10 11:19
Contrary to popular opinion, mobile screens are regularly being tapped for streaming longer-form video, according to “Mobile Video Usage: A Global Perspective,” a new comprehensive survey of consumers from 24 countries around the world who watch smartphone video.Thirty-six percent of total respondents said they watch videos that are 5-minutes or longer on their phones daily or more frequently...
(Video) Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety - The DADSS System
2015/06/10 11:19
The DADSS system uses two measures of blood alcohol content - one based on the driver's breath, and the other based on a touch sensor (Credit: US Department of Transportation, courtesy of MADD)America's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has shown members of Congress the latest advances it has made in the quest for anti drunk-driving technology in the car. Working in partnership wit...
The Top 13 Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Startups To Watch
2015/06/10 11:19
Magic Leap seems to grab all the press attention for AR and VR startups, but it has already moved beyond the early stage after raising a Series B round. Here are the emerging early-stage companies to watch in AR and VR.Virtual reality and augmented reality are still in their infancy, but both spaces are developing quickly. Almost all of the large tech companies have shown interest, including Go...
Fraunhofer Optics Could Make Augmented Reality Specs Thinner
2015/06/10 11:18
The list of companies with an interest in augmented reality eyewear has grown long over the years and includes some of the biggest names: Microsoft, Google, and Sony. However, consumer acceptance has been lackluster, in part because these specs are still a bit bulky.Researchers led by Peter Schreiber at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena, Germany,...
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